Click to Pay speeds up your online purchases at numerous merchants worldwide. Use your king+ Mastercard without entering any data, protected by Mastercard security. Your card information as well as your contact and delivery details are only entered once by you as the cardholder. It is therefore no longer necessary to re-enter this information for each subsequent purchase. You are automatically recognised at checkout so that you can pay easily and securely with just a few clicks - without additional passwords or login details.
Easy access: Click to Pay recognises you automatically as soon as you have entered your king+ Mastercard. You don't need to enter any more data.
High security: Your data is protected by Mastercard's advanced security standards. Sensitive information such as card numbers are managed securely and are not passed on to the merchant during the transaction.
Worldwide acceptance: Click to Pay is supported by many merchants worldwide, so you can complete your purchases quickly and conveniently.
1. Register your king+ Mastercard with Click to Pay.
2. Select the Click to Pay symbol when purchasing online
3. Confirm your identity and complete your purchase quickly and securely.
This card is issued by Transact Payments Malta Limited pursuant to licence by Mastercard International.
Transact Payments Malta Limited is duly authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority as a Financial Institution under the Financial Institution Act 1994.
Registration number C 91879. Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.
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This card is issued by Transact Payments Malta Limited pursuant to licence by Mastercard International.
Transact Payments Malta Limited is duly authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority as a Financial Institution under the Financial Institution Act 1994.
Registration number C 91879. Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.
This card is issued by Transact Payments Malta Limited pursuant to licence by Mastercard International.
Transact Payments Malta Limited is duly authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority as a Financial Institution under the Financial Institution Act 1994. Registration number C 91879. Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.
king 2010